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Strengthening Business and Community with  Alice Tay 

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Community is at the heart of everything, and aside from what is often performative corporate action to be “seen to be good corporate citizens” are the people who become directly involved in their community from the ground up and help make all parts of that community thrive.

Support for Carers with Ronnie Benbow

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As Founding Director of The Carer’s Foundation, Ronnie has cared for people both personally and professionally, including her husband, Michael, her father and one of her own sons. She understands that carers are often stressed, exhausted, almost broken and riddled with guilt should they even think about taking time out.

Know your why with Kelli Martin

WNA Trailblazers - building confidence in girls

It’s pretty common knowledge not to do the same things and expect different results, and doing it different was at the front of Kelli’s mind as she started from scratch, finding the building blocks for the systems, staffing and processes we all need to start our businesses and keep things ticking along.

Talking Money with Melissa Meagher 

WNA Trailblazers - building confidence in girls

We form our opinions and attitudes towards money at a very young age. Some familiar hits of your childhood might include “money doesn’t grow on trees” or “I’m not made of money”. While both statements are accurate, it’s possible a fear of money has set in early and despite our best efforts, controls our everyday transactions and financial security. 

Managing Big Life Changes

WNA Trailblazers - building confidence in girls

Libby and Luke chat to WNA CEO Cheryl Gray about their transition from the pool into a new life away from the limelight, and without all the support their sporting careers once afforded them.

Mental Health At Work

WNA Trailblazers - building confidence in girls

Jude Kingston from Mind Your Fashion talks about about raising awareness and creating positive change for mental health in the fashion and creative industries.