Getting the most out of your microphone

Popping and sibilance are two of the most common microphone issues and are easily fixed with good microphone technique. Lisssssten now!
Make your relationships count

Connecting with people the right way is all about listening to them and responding in a way they relate to.
Keeping your plan grand

Business structure is the foundation for success. Make sure you r grand plan is well planned.
Flying your brand’s true colours

Some days I feel like Gigi, but look more like Jokerman. If you were a font which one would you be?
Your unique value

You’re starting to feel like there are too many people doing what you’re doing in the market, but what makes them all unique from each other, and what makes you unique from them?
Tips on sounding good

Your voice sounds just fine, but nerves trip you up every time. These exercises will help you present well every time.
Treat it like you’re making a film

Avoid feeling overwhelmed by the detail you have just created and find a way to batch similar things together to get through it more efficiently.
Claiming your brand voice

A style guide is going to help maintain your brand voice when you delegate the task to someone else, but you need to know who your audience is first.
Put your energy where it counts

You’re already hosting, editing and producing your podcast, make the most of your time when promoting your show.
Time management hacks

Work smarter, not longer. If you’ve ever caught yourself saying ‘if I only had time’ then this episode is for you as we explore some quick hacks to get the most out of your day. Today’s tips: ♦ Find an app that speaks your language to help with your planning. ♦ Reduce email check-ins to […]