Welcome Change Media

After investing your time developing your brand voice and building a following on social media, the last thing you want is for that audience to fall away when you go on holidays and leave it all in the hands of a colleague.  Whatever your product is, a style guide will help keep your brand voice in check.

Finding your Brand Voice


Making a Voice Chart


You’ve signed up for all your socials and ready to rumble, but when you delegate a couple of the profiles to someone else on your team, your audience drops away, confused. … HELP!! I’m Andy Le Roy and I’m Louise Poole, and we’re giving you the insights that elevate you as the expert in your field

Elevating Experts!

Andy: It’s something we’ve had to look at a few times now, Louise.

Louise: That’s right Andy, for every new program we create for Welcome Change Media, we have to think about what the voice of that program or product is.

Andy: Who are we speaking to becomes the central focus when putting together social media strategies.

Louise: And that question, along with the values we have chosen for each venture is what shapes the voice of that brand.

Andy: Let’s take the Any Excuse For Fashion project as an example.

Louise: I know you never expected to be co-running a plus-size ladies fashion project as part of your everyday

Andy: True, but the thing I’m really committed to is being faithful to the voice you have created for the project since you started it.

Louise: And this is true for Elevating Experts for Welcome Change Media as well.

Andy: While we don’t want to ignore our stellar personalities, certain conversations are best had in a way your audience is happy to receive them.

Louise: That’s right. For example, while it’s perfectly reasonable for me, or whoever’s posting to Any Excuse For Fashion to have a rant about how hard it is for larger people to find nice clothes that fit…

Andy: That same tone on the Welcome Change Media socials would sound extremely out of place.

Louise: Right – unless that’s something we chose to incorporate as the voice for Welcome Change Media.

Andy: Which we haven’t.

Louise: But we could if we wanted to.

Andy: The most important thing to consider about your brand voice on social media is consistency, so while we could have chosen to make sassy remarks a part of the Welcome Change Media personality, we have chosen a friendly, professional tone.

Louise: It’s the same when we’re looking at our individual Insta feeds. Louise Poole has a different voice to Welcome Change Andy.

Andy: And both are different to any of the programs we make.

Louise: So once you’ve explored your brand voice using any of the available resources on the world wide web.

Andy: We’ve popped a couple into the show notes.

Louise: The next important piece of the puzzle is to make a brand voice chart.

Andy: So when your team grows enough to hand over the socials to someone else, they know exactly how to relate to the audience your business has grown.

Louise: It’s a bit of a journey, but one worth taking. Here’s a quick recap on what you need to do when it comes to your brand voice

Andy: Start by asking yourself who your audience is. Who are you speaking to?

Louise: Have a look at your brand values as well. What are some character traits you can identify in your brand?

Andy: Is it sassy or demure?

Louise: Is it cheeky or serious?

Andy: Once you’ve identified these factors, write them down!

Louise: A style guide is going to be your best friend for when it comes time to hand over the reigns.

Andy: Like anything else we do, consistency and regular review are your best bet.

Elevating Experts with Welcome Change Media,  giving you the insights that elevate you as the expert in your field. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Check our show notes and website for more information on today’s topic.

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Elevating Experts is a Welcome Change Media Production.