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Top 5 apps to make your work life easier

Podcast art for Elevating Experts with Louise Poole and Andy Le Roy.

How many times have you heard the phrase “one stop shop” only to be disappointed you need to visit some other places to fill your trolley? In this episode of Elevating Experts, we look at the value of using a number of resources that fit with your style. Today’s tips: ♦ Sometimes simplicity is better […]

Getting your brand voice right

Podcast art for Elevating Experts with Louise Poole and Andy Le Roy.

How does your favourite brand talk to you, and how would you feel if its tone suddenly changed?  Your brand voice is crucial in keeping that strong, loyal bond with your customers and clients. In this episode we look at how you can make sure your stay on brand. Today’s Tips: ♦ Explore and define your […]

Staying motivated while managing your time

Podcast art for Elevating Experts with Louise Poole and Andy Le Roy.

You’re running on empty and starting to make one too many coffee or wine jokes. But seriously, how do you make sure you’ve got the stamina to keep going? In this episode we look at how to keep yourself motivated and on track while keeping your cup full. Heres today’s tips: ♦ Work on similar tasks […]

Managing your critical priorities

Podcast art for Elevating Experts with Louise Poole and Andy Le Roy.

We all know the importance of priorities in our lives and business, but sometimes it feels like EVERYTHING is a priority. In this episode of Elevating Experts, we look at how to strip it back and identify the critical ones. Here’s today’s tips: ♦ Make a comprehensive to-do list. ♦ Break your tasks into manageable […]

Identifying your expertise

Podcast art for Elevating Experts with Louise Poole and Andy Le Roy.

Going viral and getting a huge following is going to get you lots of customers, right? Not necessarily. Think about the value of your specialty and the niche audience you might attract. In this episode of Elevating Experts, Andy and Louise look at how you can find your content expertise. Here’s our top tips: ♦ […]

Getting comfortable with your voice

Did you know there’s a scientific explanation to why we sound different in recordings to how we sound to ourselves? Get ready to get comfortable with your voice in this episode!

Defining your brand values

Podcast art for Elevating Experts with Louise Poole and Andy Le Roy.

Who are you and what do you stand for? Not an easy question at the best of times, but how does your brand answer this? A part of every successful business’s journey is finding their brand voice. In this episode we explore how to find your brand voice by understanding your brand values.  Here’s our […]

Keeping your brand message consistent

Podcast art for Elevating Experts with Louise Poole and Andy Le Roy.

Controversial statement: It’s more important to be consistent than it is to be perfect. Showing up every day with a good product or message matters MORE than showing up once with a perfect one. In this episode of Elevating Experts we explore how consistency is the key to success. Here are some of our top […]

Content planning 101

Podcast art for Elevating Experts with Louise Poole and Andy Le Roy.

Plan! Plan! Plan! It seems simple to do but it’s easy to forget – but planning is the key to never running out of ideas for content. We discuss Content Planning 101 in our latest episode of Elevating Experts, but here are some of our top tips: ♦ Think about how far ahead you want […]

Why your paid advertising isn’t working

Podcast art for Elevating Experts with Louise Poole and Andy Le Roy.

If you aren’t clear on what your business stands for how can your audience be? One of the most common questions we get is ‘Why doesn’t my advertising work?’ And most times the answer is because your brand isn’t clear. For example, if your business sold burgers but your social media was a mix of […]