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Farty Bard Festival in Burra, South Australia

You probably won’t find out which Shakespeare play the Lion King was based on, but you’re set for a rollicking good time as Burra’s inaugural Farty Bard Festival, based on the works of William Shakespeare and his contemporaries lands in Burra, South Australia from 5th to 7th May 2023.

It’s time for some Shakespeare and chill, as the most accessible parts of the 16th and 17th century’s answer to Netflix gets an airing with fart jokes and baudy songs, woven together with gaming and a VR experience and an opportunity to hear some top Shakespearean academics give their own soliloquies on the Bard’s work.

Andy had a fun chat with Festival organiser, Jodie O’Regan about the festival and some obscure instruments you can see over the weekend.

Tickets are available from the website www.fartybard.com.

Treat yourself to a weekend escape with accommodation options also available from the web site.