How do we #breakthebias after International Women’s Day?

This International Women’s Day, we’re focusing on breaking the bias, but what does that mean, and how do we set about doing that?
In 2022, we still find ourselves in a society where women are literally taking to the streets in an effort to be heard. It’s not only about the never-ending fight for pay parity, but deeper issues around safety and respect.
How do we #breakthebias?

This International Women’s Day, we’re focusing on breaking the bias, but what does that mean, and how do we set about doing that?
In 2022, we still find ourselves in a society where women are literally taking to the streets in an effort to be heard. It’s not only about the never-ending fight for pay parity, but deeper issues around safety and respect.
Has your inner voice called you a fraud today?

We are often the worst critic that we could possibly have. So how do we get off our own back and let ourselves succeed?