Day 7. Common sense isn’t common, but feeling down is.
In this episode of Leftover Thoughts, Louise discusses how the global events of the week have affected her mental health. Cat Stevens also makes an appearance. That’s the cat, not the singer…
Day 5. The process is the point.
In this episode of Leftover Thoughts, Louise proclaims ‘it’s not you, it’s me!’ The process is the point. Is it possible that we’ve all been missing the rewards of being creative by being to focused on what everyone else thinks?
Day 4. Breaking old cycles.
In this episode of Leftover Thoughts, Louise devises a strategy to break old cycles that lead to depression. Leftover Thoughts is a podcast experiment in authenticity. Recorded live without a plan.
Day 3. Synchronicity and Loneliness
In this episode of Leftover Thoughts, Louise wonders what it would be like to be a person who trusts everything will be ok. Leftover Thoughts is a podcast experiment in authenticity. Recorded without a plan.
Day Two. A celebration of anti-perfectionism
In this podcast episode, Louise has an espresso martini fueled celebration of anti perfectionism. Lower your expectations. (We can’t stress this enough!) (Also, who is ‘we’. It’s literally just Louise talking about herself in third person.)
Day One. Is this the start of something wonderful or a terrible mistake?
An experiment in authenticity. In this first episode of Leftover Thoughts, Louise questions if she’s made the right decision or made a huge mistake. Lower your expectations! This podcast is recorded entirely without a plan.