Welcome Change Media

The three scariest letters when you’re running your own business?


And how about when the product you’ve got isn’t tangible, but something like content creation or podcasting?

Building a business is a big job, no matter how large or small your enterprise is. One of the mammoth tasks that lay ahead is building your web site. Building your little home pad online is one thing, getting it seen is another. Is having a website enough? Will your social media presence give your web site presence a boost?

A term you might have heard or seen is SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimisation.

We decided we needed to speak to an actual expert in the field related to this, so had a good lengthy chat with Nick Morris from SLAM Strategy, breaking from our regular episode format. 

Grab your notepad and some light refreshments as we untangle the mysterious world of SEO..

Thanks to SLAM Strategy and Nick Morris for having a chat to us about content creation and SEO tips! 

Here’s info about SLAM Strategy:

“Our business model is like no other in the industry! With 22 years of retailing, franchising and online experience, we have truly embraced the digital world in every aspect, and by fully integrating online business management tools, we can operate both effectively and efficiently for our clients. We help both small and big businesses achieve their digital marketing objectives. Talk to one of our Internet strategists today about your needs and we will recommend the ideal solution for your business. We specialise in using Search Engine Optimisation, AdWords Management, Facebook Advertising, Website Optimisation, and Social Media, email marketing and traditional advertising like TV, Radio, Press and other Print Media to help you grow your business.”

Have a look at SLAM Strategy at the following links:

Connect with them on social media: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn

SEO Adelaide – Get Results with Leading SEO Agency Adelaide, Australia

Want an SEO consultant in Adelaide? SLAM Strategy is a world-known SEO agency that offers ROI focused search engine optimisation services – Call Now

For more hints and tips to elevate you as an expert in your field, subscribe to our podcast Elevating Experts now.

We’d love to hear your feedback on how this has helped you!

You can reach out to us on our website

Or connect with us on social media:
Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook | Pinterest | Tiktok
Elevating Experts is an Australian short form podcast series, with new episodes released Mondays, where we help content creators and podcasters by sharing tips to improve your skills & simplify your processes, and elevate you as an expert in your field!

About Welcome Change Media:

We make podcasts & help you tell your story.

Our mission is to help people connect through inclusive content that empowers and inspires.

We also work with businesses, organisations and creators to produce branded podcasts that align with your mission.

Contact us today to see if we can help you.

Other projects by Welcome Change Media include:

Willow Tree Manor

That Entertainment Podcast | Adelaide Edition | Brisbane Edition

Any Excuse For Fashion

You can reach out to us on our website

Or connect with us on social media: Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook | Pinterest | Youtube

About us: Louise Poole and Andy Le Roy.

Louise has worked in Australian commercial radio, media and broadcasting for over 20 years, in on air and brand management roles. Her CV includes hosting 973fm Brisbane, Queensland, morning radio announcer and music director for 8+ years, Content Director of Darwin, Northern Territory radio stations MIX 1049, Hot 100. More info about Louise Poole here.

Andy has over twenty years leadership experience, across a range of fields including broadcasting, aged care and telecommunications. His CV includes Darwin’s top rating drive-time radio program to managing a successful community radio station in Adelaide, South Australia, helping it to expand its community appeal by leading the station to innovate its content. More info about Andy Le Roy here