Work smarter, not longer. If you’ve ever caught yourself saying ‘if I only had time’ then this episode is for you as we explore some quick hacks to get the most out of your day.
Work smarter, not longer. If you’ve ever caught yourself saying ‘if I only had time’ then this episode is for you as we explore some quick hacks to get the most out of your day.
♦ Find an app that speaks your language to help with your planning.
♦ Reduce email check-ins to twice daily if your position allows.
♦ Learn the art of saying ‘no’ when appropriate.
We’d love to hear your feedback on how this has helped you!
Send us a message and let us know how you got along:
♦ Find an app that speaks your language to help with your planning.
♦ Reduce email check-ins to twice daily if your position allows.
♦ Learn the art of saying ‘no’ when appropriate.
We’d love to hear your feedback on how this has helped you!
Send us a message and let us know how you got along:
♦ Find an app that speaks your language to help with your planning.
♦ Reduce email check-ins to twice daily if your position allows.
♦ Learn the art of saying ‘no’ when appropriate.
We’d love to hear your feedback on how this has helped you!
Send us a message and let us know how you got along:
Time management hacks:
Work smarter, not longer. If you’ve ever caught yourself saying ‘if I only had time’ then this episode is for you.
Louise Poole and Andy Le Roy, giving you the insights that empower you to become the expert in your field
Elevating Experts!
Andy: Time is a valuable commodity and one that we can never replenish so it’s important to use it wisely.
Louise: So how DO we spend the currency of time to get the most value from our investment. Let’s explore our tips and tricks!
Andy: We were going to create a survey to see how much time you misplace in a day, but we ran out of time…
Louise: Lucky. That wouldn’t have been the best use of our work time would it Andy?
Andy: Maybe not. But neither are those cat memes you keep sending me lol
Louise: Those are podcast research! But it’s ok to have fun at work as long as you master your time management skills. So we are going to share our time management hacks.
Andy: Without a doubt, the very first step in every project we take on – whether it’s creating a podcast series, creating digital content, or having our daily meetings is plan plan PLAN!
Louise: A long time ago a former boss said to me “failing to plan is planning to fail” and it really stuck. Now I’m the planning Queen.
Andy: Yeah we almost called this podcast “Plan – Do”!
Louise: So the questions we ask ourselves at the start of each day are: What is the most important thing we need to achieve today and what is the best use of our resources to achieve it?
Andy: Using a program like One Note to plan your weeks ahead, or even the tasks function in Outlook or something similar can help sharpen your focus on what needs to be done now and across the short to medium term.
Louise: Remember: your time, creativity and skills count as resources.
Andy: It’s also important to ask: What is our return on investment?
Louise: The biggest investment is our time. So for example, if we are going to spend 3 hours creating a graphic for social media that is only going to be seen by a handful of people – that is a not a very good return on investment.
Andy: Similarly, if you let other people’s priorities creep in and jump the queue, you’re going to be scratching for time to complete your own projects.
Louise: Which means it’s really important to say no.
Andy: Now, we’re not saying you should be going back to your boss and saying no to everything they ask you to do.
Louise: That would make for a very awkward scene. What we’re saying is get your priorities right. If you don’t have time right now for someone, it’s OK to let them know and see if you can negotiate a time to look at their things later.
Andy: The important thing here is to clear on what you can deliver in a reasonable time frame. Make a plan, and stick to it!
Louise: Speaking of which, two habits you can put into your repertoire right way: make your diary the first thing you look at every day.
Andy: This will give you an idea on what’s on your plate and whether there is any room for something else to be added for the day.
Louise: And check your emails twice a day.
Andy: This is a big one. It’s really important to look at your correspondence every day, but for anybody who remembers the days of surface mail being the delivery option, correspondence was only handled once a day.
Louise: Even though electronic mail has made written communication much quicker, it doesn’t mean you should be hitting refresh every hour.
Andy: Nominating two times during the day to check and reply to your emails will free your mind for other tasks during the day, but also mean you’re able to give those emails their due attention.
Louise: Which is better for everybody!
Andy: I feel like we’ve covered a lot of ground in the toolbox today. We’ve added the details to the show notes on our website, but let’s have a quick recap on the main points.
Louise: The key to successful time management is to plan Plan PLAN! So find an app that speaks your language and helps you to plan your weeks and days.
Andy: Make your diary or calendar your first port of call every day, without fail. How else will you know what’s already on your plate?
Louise: Cut down on your email check-in times to twice per day. The time you will save on interruptions to your train of thought will also pay off in better quality responses when you read them at your scheduled times.
Andy: And remember, it’s OK to say no. This doesn’t have to be a hard no or ‘go away’, but instead a chance to say “I’d really like to help when I’ve got time to pay it proper attention” and schedule a time in.
Louise: But let’s face it, we don’t always have control over priorities, so make sure you’re clear on what your priorities are and how any new request will impact on how you will be able to deliver on them.
Andy: Phew! I reckon that was time well spent today, Louise, what do you reckon?
Louise: Time for that well-earned break, Andy!
Andy: Next time on Elevating Experts, putting your energy where it counts.
Elevating Experts with Welcome Change Media, giving you the insights that elevate you as an expert in your field. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
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